NRBA Vaccination Policy *Revised*

Dear Parents,

We hope you are all well. We did send you a vaccination policy recently. However, due to new information from The TCDSB and The TDSB, as well as other gyms, we have come to the conclusion that the policy must be changed. The Ontario Basketball Association and the Ontario Public Health both have adopted the policy that players under 18 need not be vaccinated. Gyms in southern Ontario will be requiring all people over 12 to be vaccinated in order to enter their facilities. You see the dilemma. Due to this new information, our new policy is as follows; North Region Basketball Association will require all participants, 12 years of age and older, to be fully vaccinated. This will include all Rep players and all players in Skills Academy who are 12 years of age and older. This will also include all player development coaches, as well as coaches and managers. This new policy will allow us to proceed with all programs. We understand this may not satisfy all of you and we respect whatever decision you feel is best for you and your family.

Thank you for your commitment to your children’s mental and physical health through the great game of Basketball.

Long live basketball